Productos etiquetados con ' plasma pen '
PLASMA ION ONLINE COURSE include: - Plasma MACHINE (silver) + 50 needles - Online class with master, - Online Certificate - Online book for Plasma Ion education, you can chose language 🤩 1. English 2. German 3. Italian 4. Spanish 5. Serbian 6. Swedish 7. Turkish The course can be in English, Swedish and Serbian free of charge. For all other languages you can provide translator, or we can provide for additional 50 eur. Como un nuevo procedimiento al servicio de su belleza y salud, Plasma Ion es un método no invasivo para levantar los párpados caídos y suavizar las arrugas finas alrededor de los labios, en la frente y otras partes de la cara que muestran una pérdida significativa de elasticidad. También es la manera más elegante de eliminar las verrugas. El método Plasma-Ion también se usa para eliminar maquillaje permanente, cicatrices, lunares, estrías, etc. Plasma-Ion es un método no agresivo y no quirúrgico para el estiramiento de la piel. La parte principal es reproducida por el plasma arc flash, es decir, la descarga electrostática que se produce en la punta del Plasma-Ion pen. En contacto con la piel, el plasma arc flash forma un micro-punto en la piel que conduce a un estiramiento de la piel con resultados a largo plazo.
Silver Plasma-Ion Pen - OUR MACHINE IS CERTIFICATED IN GERMANY 🇩🇪 FOR EU- CE - 25 thinner needles - 5 big needles - 2 connect parts As a new procedure in service of your beauty and health, Plasma Ion is a non-invasive method of lifting the sagging eyelids and smoothing out fine wrinkles around your lips, on the forehead and other parts of the face which show a significant loss in elasticity. It is also the most elegant way to remove warts. The Plasma-Ion method is also used in removing permanent make up, scars, moles, stretch marks, etc. Plasma-Ion is a non-aggressive, non-surgical method for skin tightening. The main part is played by the plasma arc flash i.e. electrostatic discharge which is produced at the very tip of the Plasma-Ion pen. In contact with the skin, the plasma arc flash forms a micro-spot on the skin which leads to skin tightening with long-terms results.